Sunday, August 12, 2007

Quest 3 - Instant Messaging

Instant messaging, or IM, is an online way of connecting with friends and co-workers in real-time. Instead of waiting for a person to respond to an e-mail, IM allows for quicker communication. To use IM, you'll need an account with an IM provider. Popular IM providers include AIM (America Online), MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, and Google Talk. If you have previously signed up for an e-mail account with any of these, then you should already have an account that can be used for instant messaging.

Some IM providers require you to download their software in order to chat online. Other IM providers, such as Meebo, are web-based and only require that you log in with your user ID through a website.

No matter which provider you use, you must first create a contact list. This contact list will allow you to see who is currently online--then chatting can begin! Many IM providers also allow you to exchange audio clips, video and voice communication.

Discovery Resources
There are a lot of resources for this Quest, but don't let that concern you. Just use the resources that appeal to you--there is no requirement to read all of them.

Discovery Exercise
  1. Chat with someone over IM! Choose one of the following options:

    • If you want to try IM without setting up an account, go to the Resource Tools section of the Library's website, then follow the instuctions on the screen to use Plugoo to chat with the Main Library's Reference Department staff. (view screenshot)

    • -or-

    • If you want to set up an account that will allow you to IM your friends from any Internet computer, try using Yahoo! Messenger for the Web or Meebo to IM someone you know--another staff member, a member of the 2.0 Committee, or even a friend! (You can view the step-by-step instructions for Yahoo! and Meebo at the end of this post.)

  2. Once you have used IM, write an entry in your blog about your experience.

Don't know what to write about? Think about these questions:

Do you know anyone who IMs?
Did you have an easy time talking with someone online?
What did you think about the experience? If you liked it, why? If not, what would you change about it if you could?

Once you get the hang of IM, it can be a lot of fun. Have a good time exploring, Tech Stars!

Optional: Yahoo! Messenger for the Web and Meebo: Step-by-Step

In Quest 1, we suggested that you get a Yahoo! ID. Here's one reason why: You can use this ID to sign into Yahoo! Messenger for the Web. Follow these steps to begin!
    Log on to Yahoo!:
  1. Go to

  2. Click on "Sign In"

  3. A new window opens which asks for your Yahoo! ID and password. Enter the ID and password that you created for your Yahoo! Mail, then click on the "Sign In" button. (view screenshot)

  4. Messenger opens. Here is a screenshot of the Messenger window.

  5. Set Up a Friends List:
  6. Now you can add some Friends to your Yahoo! account. Here are some folks you can add, and a general idea about when they might be online:

  7. Susan Bednar: kruzsavega (She's often online M-F, 9-4 PM)
    Melissa Christakos: mlchristakos (Check for her M-F in the evening.)
    CCPL's Ask-A-Question: ccplhelp (The service is available anytime the Main Library is open--even on nights and weekends!)
    CCPL's Technology Learning Center: ccpltlc (TLC staff might be online anytime the Main Library is open.)
    To add a name, click on the "Add" button.

  8. A small menu pops up just above the button. Click on the "Yahoo! Contact..." option. (view screenshot)

  9. A text entry box appears in your Friends list. Type an ID into the box, then press the Enter key on the keyboard to add the name to your list. (view screenshot)

  10. To IM from Yahoo!:
  11. Look for an amber-colored circle like this one next a name on your Friends list. This icon indicates that this person is online. Click on their name to start an IM session with them.

  12. A dialog box for the IM session will load. Begin typing your message in the bottom part of the dialog box, then click on the "Send" button, or press Enter on the keyboard and wait for a response. (view screenshot)

Exploring Meebo:

Now that you have used Yahoo! Messenger for the Web, try Meebo. Meebo allows you to login to your Yahoo! account and chat with friends who use another IM provider instead of Yahoo!. Give it a try to see how it works:

  1. Go to

  2. Enter your Yahoo ID and password in the Yahoo sign in box, then click on the "Sign On" button below. You don't need to make a separate Meebo account unless you want to. (view screenshot)

  3. Once you're logged in, you can see your Yahoo! Friends listed in a Buddy List on the right side of the screen. (view screenshot)

  4. To IM somone on your Friends list, double-click their name.

  5. A small chat window will appear. Like in Yahoo!, type your message in the bottom part of the window, then press Enter on the keyboard to send your message to your friend. (view screenshot)

Don't forget: as with any online account, when you're done with your IM sessions, be sure to log off or sign out! Good luck!


Teresa said...

ccplhelp and I just had a good chat about the most unusual question a patron hase ask them.
I have used chatrooms before when at USC Library School

Ty said...

This was the first time I tried IM and I had a lot of fun. It was clearer to me after some help from a fellow co-worker.

Anonymous said...

MEEBO is great. Try it.